The Chesapeake Bay Program is a unique regional partnership that has led and directed the restoration of the Chesapeake Bay since 1983. The Chesapeake Bay Program partners include the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Virginia; the District of Columbia; the Chesapeake Bay Commission, a tri-state legislative body; the Environmental Protection Agency, representing the federal government; and participating citizen advisory groups.
The Chesapeake Bay Program partners have adopted several objectives for restoring the health of the entire Chesapeake Bay Watershed, including: restoring water quality; reducing nutrient, sediment, toxic chemical, and air pollution; restoring habitat; managing fisheries; monitoring; implementing sound land use practices, computer modeling, and education. In addition, Conservation Districts in Pennsylvania that are part of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed have developed individual Chesapeake Bay Tributary Strategies to plan and set goals for restoration and improvement in each county.
For more information on the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, its importance, and things that everyone can do to restore it, visit:
Conservation District Contact Person:
Agriculture Conservation Technician. 570-724-1801 x 1301
The Tioga County Conservation District became involved with the Pennsylvania State Conservation Commission’s Dirt and Gravel Roads Pollution Prevention Program in 1997. The Dirt and Gravel Road Program provides training and funding to local public dirt and gravel road owners, mostly municipalities, to mitigate stream pollution originating from dirt and gravel roads. The program annually apportions $4 million, state wide to County Conservation Districts who administer the program at the local level. The Conservation Districts work with townships and boroughs to develop a work plan to correct verified pollution problems on unpaved roads. To participate, municipal officials are required to attend a two-day “Environmentally Sensitive Maintenance of Dirt and Gravel Roads” training.
The primary goal of the program is to reduce sediment pollution to the streams of Pennsylvania. This is done through education and implementation of practices and projects. Projects are funded through grants to the townships to do projects in critical areas. Some of the funded practices include: improved road drainage; stabilization of road banks; ditches and berms; stabilization of the road surface by applying a hard stone driving surface, and more.
Conservation District Contact Person:
Dirt and Gravel Road Technician 570-724-1801 x 1303
The Tioga County Envirothon is an educational program designed to cultivate a desire to learn more about our natural environment through competitive events, as well as to prepare students for the state-wide Envirothon. For 15 years, the Tioga County Conservation District has sponsored an Envirothon Competition for high schools in Tioga County. Students and their teachers become empowered by their own motivation, as they explore an exciting, multi-faceted study of the environment. Students involved in the Envirothon often pursue further education in environmental fields. Many Envirothon advisors credit the Envirothon with increasing student interest and involvement in the environmental sciences. To many people involved, the Envirothon is more than just a competition.
For more information, visit the PA Envirothon website:
Conservation District Contact Person:
District Manager. 570-724-1801 x 1300
In Pennsylvania it is required that any earthmoving activity (no matter the size) must have some sort of Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plan and the controls must be implemented to maintain sediment onsite. The E&S plan must be submitted to the County Conservation District for review if required by the local municipality or if requested by the District. The E&S plan must also be available at all times at the site of the earth disturbance project. Failure to have an E&S plan on site is a violation of Chapter 102 of the PA Clean Streams Law and both landowners and their contractors may be held responsible for those violations.
Among other duties, the District is responsible for inspecting earthmoving sites for adequate E&S implementation. Permitted sites are inspected on a regular basis; while non-permitted sites are inspected only on a complaint basis. The District provides information and assistance to the public upon request. The District also reviews NPDES (National Pollution Discharge Elimination System) permit applications for construction sites.
Fee schedules and applications are available at the District office, or downloadable in the
“Information for Builders” section.
Conservation District Contact Person:
Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. 570-724-1801 x 1305
The Tioga County Commissioners created the Tioga County Farmland Preservation Program on July 29, 1999 to be consistent with and participate in the statewide program, also known as the Agricultural Land Easements Purchase Program. The Tioga County Conservation District provides technical assistance to the Tioga County Farm Land Preservation Board by accepting, scoring, and ranking farm applications. To be eligible to participate in the Easement Purchase Program, your farm must be in an Agricultural Security Area that has 500 acres or more enrolled; consist of 50 acres or more; and have 50 percent crop and improved pastureland that is in soil capability classes 1 through 4. Farms are scored using a Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA). Also considered in the farm potential include proximity to other eased lands, as well as development potential. Farmland Preservation applications are accepted January and February of each year.
For more information on the PA Farmland Preservation Program, visit:
Conservation District Contact Person:
Agriculture Conservation Technician 570-724-1801 x 1301
In the spring of 1993, PA legislature passed the Nutrient Management Act (Act 6), which requires high-density livestock and poultry farms in the Commonwealth to develop and implement approved nutrient management plans. The regulations came into effect in October 1997, and are administered by the State Conservation Commission at the state level. Plans are written by certified specialists who have met the criteria of Pennsylvania’s Nutrient Management Specialist Certification Program. Plans are submitted to the county Conservation Districts for review and approval if they meet the program requirements. The law also encourages the non-regulated farm community to plan and implement under the Act. Implemented nutrient management plans can: improve water quality; reduce fertilizer costs; maintain or increase crop yields; improve herd health, and provide numerous additional benefits. In addition, all producers following the provisions of the law will benefit from limited liability protection afforded under the Act as well as financial assistance programs provided for plan development and implementation.
For more information on the Nutrient Management Act and Program, visit:
Conservation District Contact Person:
Agriculture Conservation Technician. 570-724-1801 x 1301
In coordination with other agencies and groups, the Tioga County Conservation District is committed to increasing awareness of natural resource issues, including the importance of watersheds and water quality, throughout Tioga County. The District works to support local watershed groups (See “Watershed Groups” section) and to educate students and landowners about water quality and natural resource issues. District staff attend community and watershed group meetings, help them to meet their goals and apply for project funding, and collaborate on a variety of projects in the region. The District also works with local schools and universities to teach children about water chemistry, watersheds, aquatic life, and non-point source pollution. For more information on opportunities to get involved, contact our Watershed Specialist.
Conservation District Contact Person:
Watershed Specialist. 570-724-1801 x 1304
Under the Pennsylvania Code Chapter 105, Dam Safety and Waterway Management, general permits (GP) must be acquired for the following activities:
GP1- Fish Habitat Enhancement Structures
GP2- Small Docks and Boat Launching Ramps
GP3- Bank Rehabilitation, Bank Protection, and Gravel Bar Removal
GP4- Intake and Outfall Structures
GP5- Utility Line Stream Crossings
GP6- Agricultural Crossings and Ramps
GP7- Minor Road Crossings
GP8- Temporary Road Crossings
GP9- Agricultural Activities
Fee schedules and applications are available at the District office, or downloadable in the
“Information for Builders” or “Information for Farmers” section.
Conservation District Contact Person:
Erosion and Sediment Control Technician. 570-724-1801 x 1305